About Cataracts
Our eyes each have a lens, similar to the lens in a camera, which focuses light on the retina. As we get older, the lens becomes cloudy, preventing the light from focusing properly. This clouding is called a cataract. This condition is very common but can be corrected with cataract surgery. In fact, cataracts are so prevalent that cataract surgery is the most commonly performed procedure in the United States. Most cataracts simply develop because of advanced age, but some cataracts may be related to certain medications (like steroids), systemic diseases (such as diabetes), or prior trauma. Our gifted team of eye surgeons, Dr. Allison Young and Dr. Jana Waters at Stone Oak Ophthalmology Center, are well-versed in performing cataract surgery and have helped improve the vision of thousands of patients. If you have noticed cloudiness or are having difficulty seeing, call us today to schedule an eye exam at our San Antonio, TX office.
Cataracts Explained Reviews
Cataracts are commonly found in older patients over the age of 40 and may not even present symptoms until patients reach their 60s. Routine eye exams are encouraged to monitor your ocular health and to identify cataracts as early as possible to preserve your vision. The most popular symptoms associated with cataracts include:
- Blurry, fuzzy, or cloudy vision
- Dulling of colors or a yellowing of images
- Glare and halos around lights (especially at night)
- Difficulty driving at night
- Frequent changes in your glasses' prescription
Cataracts begin to develop when the protein within the lens of the eye starts to deteriorate. This is actually a natural occurrence that happens with age. However, in some cases, patients may be born with cataracts (congenital). Environmental elements, such as sunlight and smoke, may also contribute to this condition. Cataracts cause a decline in the clarity of vision that is usually gradual and free of pain but may be sudden in certain types of cataracts. When the vision can no longer be corrected with glasses or contacts, the cataract is usually significant enough to consider corrective surgery.
Treatment Options
Our eye surgeons at Stone Oak Ophthalmology Center will perform a thorough examination of your eyes, evaluating all of the eye’s intricate structures. It is important to assess any other underlying eye disorders or issues that may be contributing to your change in vision. If you have a very mild cataract, surgery is generally not necessary. Often, a change in your prescription will improve your vision for a period of time. Your cataracts and resulting vision can be monitored with routine eye exams. However, when a change in your eyeglass prescription no longer improves your vision, and your ocular health has declined to a point that it is interfering with your daily activities, it might be time to think about cataract surgery.
Cloudy to Clear Eyes
Our surgeons at Stone Oak Ophthalmology Center encourage all of our patients to receive routine eye exams to monitor the health of their vision to catch any concerns as early as possible. This is especially crucial for older patients over the age of 40. If you have noticed any abnormal changes in your vision or suspect that you may have a cataract, call our office in San Antonio, TX to schedule an appointment today.