PRK in San Antonio, TX

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About PRK

Our gifted eye surgeons at Stone Oak Ophthalmology Center, Dr. Allison Young and Dr. Jana Waters, are pleased to offer PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) to our San Antonio, TX patients. This procedure utilizes the same laser technology as LASIK to correct vision impairments. It was invented before LASIK surgery and has helped millions of men and women nationwide. Today, PRK is dominantly reserved for patients who have an inadequate corneal thickness as the laser is used directly on the cornea to make the necessary vision corrections. Since this procedure does not create a corneal flap, it reduces the risks that are often associated with eye flaps. Contact our office today to see if you qualify for PRK laser correction.

Best Candidates

PRK is a viable option for patients who are not good candidates for LASIK due to various factors, such as thin corneas or irregular scars on the surface of the eye. If you are considering laser eye correction surgery, you will need to undergo a comprehensive eye exam at Stone Oak Ophthalmology Center to determine if PRK is right for you. Ideal candidates are generally in good health, do not have dry eyes, and are at least 18 years of age.

What to Expect

PRK uses the same excimer laser as LASIK to reshape the cornea, but a corneal flap is not created. Instead, the very top layer of the cornea (corneal epithelium) is removed and the laser is then applied to the eye's surface. Since the procedure involves removing the corneal epithelium, the recovery time after PRK is significantly longer than LASIK. To help with pain control and healing, a bandage contact lens is placed on the eye when the surgery is completed and left in place until the corneal epithelium is healed.


Since the healing process is extensive, patients may not achieve the full results of their vision correction until weeks or even months after surgery. However, once the eye is healed, patients can achieve excellent visual acuity. After your surgery, we will schedule several follow-up appointments so we can closely monitor your progress. You may experience blurred vision, starbursts, or halos for several weeks, but this is normal and typically improves as you heal. 

Dependable Vision Correction

PRK has been used for many years to correct vision impairments and is a great alternative for those who may not be eligible for LASIK surgery. Our highly trained team of ocular surgeons have extensive experience in laser eye correction surgery and have performed PRK successfully countless times. If you are interested in learning more about PRK, call Stone Oak Ophthalmology Center in San Antonio, TX today. 

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.